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Depression, Addiction

Psychoactive Amanitas are mushrooms which contain the psychoactive chemicals ibotenic acid and muscimol. They have a long history of use in Asia and Northern Europe. They are best known for their distinctive appearance (bright reds and yellows with white spots).



Pain, Seizures, Depression, Anxiety, Nausea, Sleep Disorder

Cannabis, a fast-growing bushy annual with dense sticky flowers, produces psychoactive cannabinoid chemicals such as THC and CBD. It is the most widely used (still mostly) illegal psychoactive and has a long history of medicinal, recreational, and industrial use. The fibrous stalks of the plant are used to produce clothing and rope. It's legal status is rapidly changing in the US and around the world from top contraband to tolerated mind-alterant along side alcohol and caffeine.



General improvements to Wellbeing, Mental, and Spiritual

Most psychoactive cacti contain mescaline as their primary active chemical. The best known of these are San Pedro, Peruvian Torch, and Peyote.



 depression, alcoholism, substance abuse, eating disorders, grief, and post-traumatic stress

Ayahuasca is a powerfully entheogen from South American. One of its primary effects is considered to be the vomiting (the purge) that accompanies the experience. The term ayahuasca is used for spiritual growth.



Severe Addiction & Depression

 iboga’s roots lie in traditional African spiritual ceremonies, it and it’s related alkaloids hold much promise as a potential treatment for addiction and possibly depression, especially when combined with social support and a structured treatment plan 



Depression, Spiritual Growth

Psilocybin can significantly and sustainably reduce symptoms of severe depression in people who suffer from depressive disorders. In addition, Psilocybin has also been shown to reduce thoughts of suicide and self-harm. 

हमारे बारे में>

सोमा एक NGO है जो भारत में स्थित Entheogentic / Psychedelic Plants के रिसर्च एंड इंटीग्रेशन पर आधारित है।

हमारा मिशन Entheogenic पौधों पर अनुसंधान और शिक्षित करना और समाज और मानवता के विकास में उनका एकीकरण है। हम अवैध गतिविधियों को प्रोत्साहित नहीं करते हैं। हमारे द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली कोई भी जानकारी केवल शिक्षा और जानकारी के लिए है। यह साइट पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह, निदान या उपचार के विकल्प के रूप में नहीं है। हमेशा अपने चिकित्सक या अन्य योग्य स्वास्थ्य प्रदाता की सलाह लें, किसी भी प्रश्न के बारे में जो आपके पास एक चिकित्सा स्थिति के बारे में हो सकता है।

हमारे समाचार पत्र के सदस्य बनें

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